Reviews & Robots on the Analog series

Reviews & Robots published back-to-back reviews of each entry in the Analog trilogy:

‘Bandwidth’ Review: Political Intrigue Amidst a World on the Precipice

Bandwidth masterfully combines speculative genres, pitting political thriller against climate change science fiction to create a compelling narrative that constantly keeps you on your toes. The character development is spot-on, showing us a protagonist with a difficult past whose career and life choices are coming back to haunt him. The novel surprised me at every turn with its web of intrigue and ever changing loyalties. It’s a wonderful read and I can’t wait to dive into the sequels.”

‘Borderless’ Review: Smart Storytelling in a Tech-Driven World

“With well-crafted characters, an intricately woven plot, and a technology-driven society that mirrors our own, Borderless is impossible to put down. This is a spy novel at its finest, wrapped up in the workings of a tech-dependent society whose simplification of service providers has created untold ramifications. Incredibly smart, well-informed storytelling that shows a deep knowledge of politics, public policy, and psychology.”

‘Breach’ Review: Loads of Intrigue & A Hells-Yes Protagonist

“I’m obsessed with Emily Kim. She’s this powerful, super-intelligent woman who has used her skills and her presence to grow a silent empire, only to have it all pulled out from under her. There’s always so much at stake in this near-future world.”

Complement with this excerpt from Bandwidth in The Verge, this excerpt from Borderless in VICE, and this essay about what inspired Breach.

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